The Kiba Stables

The property has been designed to accommodate our horses and offer them well-being in the paddocks and stables. The stable includes a grooming room and shower room. 9 paddocks, ranging from 1,500 m2 to 1 hectare, can accommodate individual horses or herds. They can also be split up as required, and are all secured by double electric fencing on treated pine round posts. The 4×4 boxes, with rubber mats on the floor, a door opening onto the paddocks and a window overlooking the undergrowth, provide them with the utmost comfort. Quality hay is supplied by a local producer.

Le Domaine de Kiba souhaite permettre aux propriétaires séjournant dans un des gîtes, de venir accompagnés de leur cheval et de lui offrir ainsi, des vacances en toute quiétude et sécurité.

Ma fille, ostéopathe animalier (chien, chat, cheval et vache), reconnue par l’Ordre National des Vétérinaires, inscrite au Registre National d’Aptitude d’ostéopathie animale, sous le numéro d’enregistrement OA1822, spécialisée en équin pourra, effectuer une séance sur votre cheval si besoin.

You can take advantage of the 950m grass gallop track around the paddocks, then set off through the vineyards around the property to reach the balconies of the estuary or recover the paths of the Route d'Artagnan.

If you need to work on your horse during your holiday, you can reach the Écurie Bellevue in Grézac, a 10-minute drive away by lorry, which welcomes you to a very pretty site, with a quality arena and competent, friendly instructors.

Possibilité de balades à cheval avec l’Ecurie GP à Epargnes située à 8km ou avec Equimajic à 3.5km du Domaine de Kiba, à travers les vignes ou le long de l’estuaire.

For horse owners coming on holiday with their horse, there is the possibility of bringing in an excellent ethologist, Anthony DAVID, from EDUC'HORSE, located nearby, to resolve any problems with gentleness and respect for the horse.

The Domaine de KIBA has been awarded the Equestrian Stage label for the d'Artagnan European Cultural Route.

The price is €15 per night and includes hay.

Skye One

Skye One, a 14-year-old Connemara sport pony with a palomino coat, who has travelled the world. Born in Ireland and brought to France, we bought him when he was 4 years old, during the French Championship where Coline was competing in 2015. He joined us in Réunion. He took the plane again for our return to mainland France in July 2018. We promised to take care of him and give him freedom. Promises kept.


Pimpernelle, an ebony-black 9-year-old Belgian mare, joined us as a 5-year-old in 2020.

A very promising jumping mare, we decided to have her covered. This gave her a well-deserved rest after the free cycles of the 5-year-olds and allowed her rider to devote herself to her studies. She proved to be a more than capable mother.


Nour, Pimpernelle's daughter, was born on 16 May 2023. Her joie de vivre is infectious.

You'll have noticed her heart, which was imprinted during the 11 months of gestation, as we whispered our love to her.


And finally, Picasso, renamed Picatchou or Tchoupi to his friends. To keep Pimpernelle company, who had left the show ring to become pregnant, we adopted a club pony from the Paris region, a 20-year-old Shetland, to give him a well-deserved retirement. He has rediscovered the enthusiasm of his youth and knows all the tricks.



If you want to gallop along the fine sandy beaches, you can choose to travel by van or lorry to the Suzac beach in Meschers, the Grande Côte in Saint-Palais-sur-Mer or the Phare de la Coubre beach in La Palmyre. We will inform you of the authorised times for each beach.

You can also drive along the estuary to the magnificent village of Mortagne-sur-Gironde.


If you would like to discover the world of racing, we will give you the opportunity to meet one of the trainers at the La Palmyre training centre.